The National Government plans to build up to two thousand five hundred houses for public servants at the Duran farm this year, according to housing minister Dr Kobby Bomareo.

This undertaking is part of the Housing ministers’ vision to enable Papua New Guineans own decent homes through the National Housing Corporation (NHC).

In Port Moresby last week Dr Bomareo announced the official engagement of three (3) reputable housing construction developers- RODS PNG Limited, PNG Resource Limited and China Steel Limited during the official signing of their engagement.

Groundwork has been laid by the minister’s predecessors Justin Tkachenko in engaging with developers with (him)  establishing dialogue with the Department of Lands and Physical Planning for the NHC to obtain up to 250 land titles to build affordable homes for ordinary Papua New Guineans at the Duran Farm.

“I sincerely thank the Registrar of Titles who worked with my team to enable the 250 land titles were processed according to my ministry’s plan,” acknowledged Minister Bomareo.

A strong member of the rullling Pangu Pati the second term MP said that the Marape-Rosso government was focusing on giving housing ownership to public servants through the drastic reforms initiated by his ministry.

“Special credit to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Lands and Physical Planning Hon.John Rosso in ensuring the 250 land titles were facilitated and processed to allow construction work to begin soon,” he said.

In a small but significant ceremony last week in Port Moresby, Minister Bomareo was accompanied by the National Housing Commission (NHC) Managing Director Mr.Henry  Mokono to sign formalities between the three reputable building construction firms for the commencement of the construction of the 2,500 affordable homes to begin soon and will continue until all houses are built accordingly as initially planned.

The minister  challenged  companies to deliver quality work as per schedule as incompetency would result in premature termination of  contracts.

“My team will be visiting and reviewing all work done by the companies on a regular basis. If work is slow and not up to standard, your contracts will be terminated forthwith,” Minister Bomareo warned the companies.

Minister Bomareo assured the government and all stakeholders concerned that the 2,500 new homes will be built and occupied by hardworking public servants as the Marape-Rosso government is committed to roll similar housing projects throughout the county starting in the nation’s capital.

Construction of the houses will begin soon after all necessary arrangements are implemented and secured.


*Photos show executives of RODS PNG, PNG Resource Limited and China Steel Limited signing the official formalities in Port Moresby last week with Housing Minister Hon.Dr Kobby ( third from left) and the NHC Managing Director Mr.Henry Mokono (second from left) to start work on this major government housing project.

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