PNG Economics Bulletin


Barrick Niguini Ltd, operator of the giant Pogera Mine in Enga  has named Ms Karo Maha-Lelai as Country Manager to oversee its PNG operations.

Lelai who had a short stint with BNL as legal consultant replaces agricultural economist Dr Illa Temu who served the mine operator for over twenty years.

She will be at the helm when the mine opens for operations under the new Pogera Mine – subject to Government approval of a new mining lease.

She has over 23 years of experience in the petroleum and mining industry.

She previously held executive positions with Petromin PNG Holdings Limited (now known as Kumul Minerals Holding Limited), Tolukuma Gold Mines Ltd and more recently established a private consulting practice specializing in the petroleum and mining industry.

Ms Maha-Lelai is also  known for her contributions to sports in PNG and internationally, as former Chairperson of PNG Athletes Commission, current President of the Basketball Federation of PNG, representative of women in Oceania on the Central Board of Federation of International Basketball Associations and Chairperson of the Oceania National Olympic Committees’ Athletes Commission.

“I am immensely proud and privileged to be able to serve Porgera and Papua New Guinea through Barrick. I joined the New Porgera team as a legal consultant a year and 5 months ago. As Country Manager, I look forward to working with all of our stakeholders to ensure New Porgera continues to contribute positively to the project-area landowners, the Porgera Valley, Enga Province and Papua New Guinea as a whole.” said Ms Maha-Lelai. Ms Maha- Lelai .

She will manage the Country Head office in Port Moresby and will work alongside the Mine General Manager, Chad Coulin, to provide the needed support for operations.

Outgoing Country Manager Dr Temu joined Placer Dome Niugini in 2000 where he held various roles including the Country Manager role in Tanzania. In 2006, following Barrick’s acquisition of the Porgera Mine, Dr Temu was appointed PNG Country Manager for Barrick (Niugini) Ltd.

BNL thanked Dr Temu for his many contributions over the past 23 years to Porgera Mine operations, to the communities in the Porgera Valley and to the PNG business community.

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