PNG Economics Bulletin

Kumul Petroleum Holding Limited has made a significant contribution to the ongoing disaster relief effort in Mulitaka, Enga Province, by presenting a cheque for K1 million to Hon. Peter Ipatas, Governor of Enga Province. The cheque was presented by Kumul Petroleum’s Managing Director, Wapu Sonk.

In his address, Mr. Sonk emphasized the importance of supporting the relief effort, stating that while there has been significant assistance from other countries, companies, and the community, Kumul Petroleum as a national gas and resources company also wanted to make a meaningful contribution. The funds, approved by the KPHL Board, will be used to support the disaster relief committee’s efforts to provide comfort and relief to those affected by the landslide.

Mr. Sonk acknowledged that many people have been displaced by the disaster and are unable to return to their homes, expressing hope that the company’s contribution can be used to support their resettlement efforts. On behalf of the Kumul Petroleum Board, management, and staff, Mr. Sonk extended his condolences to those who have lost loved ones and homes, while also urging them to remain resilient.

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