PNG Economics Bulletin

Prime Minister Marape Moves to Boost Economy with K50 Million Infrastructure Grant for Wafi-Golpu

Prime Minister Marape Moves to Revitalize Economy with K50 Million Infrastructure Grant for Wafi-Golpu

 In a significant step towards revitalizing the economy, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape announced the disbursement of a K50 million Infrastructure Development Grant (IDG) to the landowners of the Wafi-Golpu project and the Morobe Provincial Government. During a ceremony held in Lae, the Prime Minister underscored the importance of these funds as vital investments for infrastructure projects in the six impacted areas surrounding the mine.

This grant is a crucial element of the Government’s broader K1.2 billion commitment aimed at bolstering local development through IDGs and Business Development Grants (BDGs) for the Wafi-Golpu landowners. Prime Minister Marape made it clear that this financial support is not intended as a giveaway but as a targeted effort to stimulate economic activity and meet the developmental needs of the local communities.

“Today’s funding marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to bridge gaps in our economy,” said Marape, addressing a diverse gathering that included Morobe Governor Hon. Luther Wenge, Deputy Prime Minister and Lae MP Hon. John Rosso, and other key stakeholders. “These resources will empower the six landowner groups and the provincial government to undertake projects that will bring immediate benefits to your communities.”

Governor Wenge confirmed that the funds would be evenly split, with K25 million directed to the six landowner groups—including Babuaf, Hengambu, Yanta, Wampar, Butibam, and Wagang—and K25 million allocated to the Morobe Provincial Government. “The onus is on you, the landowners, to come together, decide on priority projects, and ensure that these funds lead to tangible outcomes,” said Wenge.

Prime Minister Marape encouraged collaboration among stakeholders to identify essential projects for infrastructure development, stating, “I want all of you to agree on the projects that matter most, from building classrooms and roads to establishing power lines. This is your opportunity to carve out the future you envision for your regions.”

He further acknowledged the past challenges in disbursing funds, revealing that while the government is committed to allocating K100 million annually for IDGs and BDGs, previous years had seen only partial releases—K34 million in 2021, K18 million in 2022, and K80 million in 2023.

“I will ensure that there is transparency about the funds released so far, and I will compile a full report on how the money has been utilized,” he pledged. “You have around K1 billion programmed for future projects. At the next Development Forum, we will outline further business development grants, solidifying our commitment to uplift your communities ahead of the project launch.”

As the Prime Minister works to close economic gaps and elevate the nation’s financial standing, this K50 million grant is poised to play a crucial role in driving development and fostering a collaborative approach among the Wafi-Golpu landowners and the provincial government. The keen focus on infrastructure development signals a dedicated push towards economic stability in Papua New Guinea.

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